Seeing Different Worlds

International photography competition "Seeing Different Worlds"


The "Seeing Different Worlds" photography competition is an initiative promoted by Donostia City Council's Department of Cooperation with the aim of reflecting current situations of inequality around the world. The world is undergoing great transformations. Inequalities continue to increase and in this context oppressed groups around the planet are demanding more and more justice.
The aim of work submitted to this competition will be to analyse these realities and reflect them through photography. The images may reflect situations in any part of the world.


Awards: 1st - 900 € / 2nd - 600 € / 3rd - 300 €

Donostia Award: € 300 Special Local Prize. This prize will be awarded to the best photograph from the local participants living in Donostia.


The jury will be made up of a professional photographer (photojournalist Javi Julio) and representatives of the organizations involved in this project.

Copyrights & Usage Rights:

Participants are the owners of the rights to their works at all times. To take part in this competition, participants must:
• Ensure that they are the sole owners of all the rights to photographs presented for competition.
• Accept that the exploitation rights for the wining works will be transferred to Donostia City Council free of charge. These rights include: reproduction, distribution, public communication, transformation and adaptation. Donostia City Council’s Department of Cooperation may reproduce and modify photographs awarded cash or second prizes in an ethical manner, for noncommercial purposes, communicating and sharing them in publications or newsletters, including online formats, and a part of a photographic exhibition.
• Accept that the winning photographs can be used without prior notice provided that the name of the author is mentioned.

