Terre Solidaire Photo Award 2022
This commitment is symbolized by a 50,000€ shared cash-prize
- Deadline: 4 December 2022
- Entry fee: Free
- Website: https://ccfd-terresolidaire.org/campagne/terre-solidaire-photo-award-en

With the support of Sebastião Salgado, CCFD-Terre Solidaire is launching the first edition of the Prix Photo Terre Solidaire dedicated to humanist and environmental photography.
Our definition of Humanist and Environmental Photography embraces the vision of CCFD-Terre Solidaire which acts for social and environmental issues.
This theme aims at depicting human beings at the very heart of their global environment and values the people acting for a more sustainable and fairer world.
This prize has a triple dimension : to recognize the career of a photographic artist, to support the continuation of the dedicated work and to invite the photographers to join the fights of CCFD-Terre Solidaire.
A prestigious jury with professionals of photography, photojournalism and international solidarity will meet in mid-January 2023.
For the laureate of Grand Prix Terre Solidaire :
- A cash prize of 30,000€ to pursue his or her personal photo project.
- An exhibition of this personal project in Festival Photo La Gacilly 2024.
- A paid mission for a photo report about one of the international partners of CCFD-Terre Solidaire.
For the two laureates of Prix Terre Solidaire :
- A cash prize of 10,000€ each
- A paid mission for a photo report about one of the international partners of CCFD-Terre Solidaire.
- An exhibition of his or her photo report in many cultural places around the world
Participation is open to all professional photographers regardless of age or nationality.
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