The SE Center is looking for non-representational imagery


The SE Center for Photography is looking for non-representational imagery, though it can be from found objects in nature, man made or figurative works. We're seeking images that do not attempt to represent external reality, but seek to achieve its effect using shapes, forms, colors, and texture. Black-and-white or color, analog, digital or antique processes, photographers of all skill levels and locations are welcome.

Our Juror for the Abstract Image is Adam Finkelston. Adam is the owner, publisher and co-editor of, The Hand Magazine: A Magazine For Reproduction-based Arts, an internationally- recognized quarterly art magazine. He has co- curated (with The Hand Magazine co-editor, James Meara) several exhibitions throughout the United States, featuring an international roster of artists. In addition to curating, Mr. Finkelston has also juried exhibitions for LA Photo Curator and Core New Art Space in Denver, CO. As an artist, Mr. Finkelston has shown his photographs in many solo and group exhibitions, and received several awards for his work. Mr. Finkelston holds an MA in Photography from the University of Missouri- Kansas City (UMKC), a BFA in Photography from the Kansas City Art Institute, and a BA in Art Education from UMKC.

35-40 Selected images will hang in the SE Center’s main gallery space for approximately one month with the opportunity to be invited for a solo show at a later date.


35-40 Selected images will hang in the SE Center’s main gallery space for approximately one month with the opportunity to be invited for a solo show at a later date.


All locations, all ages

Copyrights & Usage Rights:

Artist retains all copyrights to their own images. Artists whose work is chosen for exhibition inclusion grant the SE Center for Photography permission to use images for promoting the exhibition, artist, or SE Center and its programs, and current and past exhibitions. Images may be placed on social media for promotion and features.

