The Narrative Portrait
A narrative portrait implies a story, be it real or imagined
- Deadline: 11 September 2015
- Entry fee: $35 for 5 images
- Website:
A narrative portrait implies a story, be it real, painted in the moment, or staged. We're looking for photographers with the ability to combine the subject and elements such as location, lighting, and composition to tell a compelling story.
Our juror for the Narrative Portrait will be Nicholas Kahn. Nicholas Kahn is a member of the collaborative team Kahn & Selesnick. He lives in Ghent NY and his longtime collaborator Richard Selesnick lives in Rhinebeck, NY. They have created since 1988 an ongoing series of complex narrative photo-novellas and sculptural installations. 3 monographs have been published by Aperture based on their one of kind artist books. Their most recent projects, Truppe Fledermaus: 100 views of the Drowning World and Mar: Adrift on the Hourglass Sea are currently touring around the United States and Europe in museum and gallery shows. They are in the permanent collections of The Philadelphia Museum of Art, The Houston Museum of Art, and The Brooklyn Museum of Art among others. They enjoy creating other realms and obsessive historical falsification. Their work can be seen on and
Selected images will hang in the SE Center’s main gallery space for approximately one month with the opportunity to be invited for a solo show at a later date. Openings are timed to coincide with the Village of West Greenville, Greenville, South Carolina's textile mill village turned arts district, First Fridays, a celebration of art, food and music. Participating artists that can attend have the opportunity for a Portfolio Review by SE Center Director Michael Pannier on the following Saturday morning (reservations needed).
All locations, skill levels, and ages
Copyrights & Usage Rights:
Artist retains all copyrights to their own images. Artists whose work is chosen for exhibition inclusion grant the SE Center for Photography permission to use images for promoting the exhibition, artist, or SE Center and its programs, and current and past exhibitions. Images may be placed on social media for promotion and features.