Exhibit your work in Praxis Gallery
- Deadline: 15 July 2024
- Entry fee: $35 for submitting up to five images, $5.00 for each additional image.
- Website:

In most cases, photography is used to “freeze time,” with a still image. Motion in photography creates a paradox: the image is a frozen moment in time but what is captured is an object that is a blur of motion – an apparent streaking, bending, distorting and /or movement of light and objects in the foreground or background of the image frame. Blur can demonstrate the velocity of movement. It can convey the emotional dimensions of the subject photographed, presenting dream-like qualities by invoking the surreal and transitory nature of time passing. Meteors streak across the sky, ghostly figures move through a room, the artist paints shapes with a light source. These are some examples of how blur represents motion in time-lapse photography.
Praxis Gallery seeks the submission of photographic art that demonstrates the fundamental qualities that make motion & blur a compelling element of contemporary photography. All genres, capture types, black & white and color, traditional and non-traditional photographic and digital post-production processes are welcome for submission.
Up to 38 images will be selected by the curators for exhibition at Praxis Gallery. A Directors’ Choice and five Honorable Mentions will be awarded and featured in the exhibition, the printed show catalog, and the online exhibit gallery. Directors’ Choice will receive free entry into three juried calls for entry of their choice and a complimentary exhibit book.
International. All Welcome
Copyrights & Usage Rights:
Artist retains all copyrights to their own images. Artists whose photographs are accepted for exhibition grant Praxis Gallery the nonexclusive right to use, print, and reproduce submitted digital files for the purpose of the exhibition, promoting the artist, promoting related programs and subsequent display on Praxis Gallery's website, social media, and online exhibition archives. The artist's name will be included wherever the photographs are displayed.