Toto Banana Grant 2024

Grants for Erotic Photography


At TOTO BANANA, we encourage erotic photography with a grant of $ 2,000 USD biannually, with an easy application process on our website.

Erotic photography, to us, is one of the most important category of photography. This is why we set out to create this grant. We want to know what is erotic for YOU!
We believe a good photo is one that transcends mere visual arousal, is one that pacifies, that makes one delve into a sense of almost inexplicable beauty, gaze and charm.
Doesn’t have to be complex or complicated, a photo can be very simple, very basic, and still give out the aura we are looking for.
Photos can be full nude, part nude, in action, self-portrait, intimacy, whatever, however. Also, eroticism can be found in other things that you see on the daily, for example, a tree or a peach could just as powerfully evoke eroticism.

We warmly welcome individuals of all genders, identities, backgrounds, countries and seek to foster a diverse and vibrant community. Our criteria are simple: applicants must be adults, aged 18 years or older.


Grant: $ 2,000 USD, twice a year (two cycles of contest: Spring & Fall) + publication on our website


18 years of age & older

Copyrights & Usage Rights:

The participant declares to be the sole and exclusive owner of the uploaded photographs and to detain, if necessary, the lawful releases from the photographed subjects and is solely responsible in the event of a claim by the photographed subject or, in general, by third parties. Also, the participant declares to be 18 years of age or older, and declares that all persons involved in the photographs (in the process of photographing or on the photos) are 18 years of age or older, and that no one was harmed, obliged to participate, degraded or hurt.

All the photos received by TOTOBANANA.ORG will be treated with the utmost respect. All photos will be permanently destroyed if not selected for the grant. All photos will only be seen by our judges, and never posted on any platforms. We are 100% committed to confidentiality.


Nudes People Portrait Open Theme Digital Art Black and White Photojournalism Self-Portrait Urban