Water Connects – photo and video contest on the occasion of Budapest Water Summit 2016 – Capa Center, Budapest

Water Connects - photo and video contest for BWS2016


The Robert Capa Contemporary Photography Center, Budapest calls for entries for a photo and video competition organized on the occasion of the Budapest Water Summit, which will take place between November 28–30, 2016 (www.budapestwatersummit.hu).

The theme of the competition

By calling for entries, we would like to offer an opportunity for those who formulate their message related to the theme of the competition in still or moving images.

We expect photographs and videos that present the fundamental importance of this essential material for our planet, for nature, for society as a whole or the individuals themselves; depict its different qualities, unique nature, or the way it serves as a living space and a fundamental element of our bodies, or the way it appears in a variety of forms from a drop of water to the sea. The entries may also include the mythical, fairytale connotations of water as well.


The competition is organized by the Capa Center under the title “Water connects” on the occasion of the Budapest Water Summit 2016, in cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Hungary as well as the Ministry of Human Capacities of Hungary.

Anyone may submit an entry with a photograph or video fitting the requirements of this call for entries. Entries may be submitted in two categories: photography and video. The photographic series may consist of a minimum of 3 and maximum of 6 images, while videos may be up to 90 seconds long, and each must have been created after 2000. One entrant may only submit an entry in one of the categories.

Entries may exclusively be submitted if they have not been published online or in the printed press, and will not have been presented in an exhibition up to the time of the competition. The formal and technical approach reflected in the works have no genre restrictions, and may be handled and interpreted with absolute freedom.

The entrants shall upload their works with the specified technical qualities electronically, via the bws.capacenter.hu website.

The works entered will be evaluated and awarded by a professional jury. They jury will award only entries uploaded in accordance with the call for entries, and they will announce the winners on a category basis. The contestants will be notified of the results via an e-mail from the awarding organization.


1st place: LEICA D-LUX camera + a voucher worth HUF 50,000, which may be used for scanning, printing or for analog photographic processing

2nd place: A voucher worth HUF 50,000, which may be used for scanning, printing or for analog photographic processing + a book voucher worth HUF 25,000

3rd place:A book voucher worth HUF 25,000

1st place: LEICA D-LUX camera + a voucher worth HUF 50,000, which may be used for scanning, printing or for analog photographic or video processing

2nd place: A voucher worth HUF 50,000, which may be used for scanning, printing or for analog photographic and video processing + a book voucher worth HUF 25,000

3rd place: A book voucher worth HUF 25,000

A group exhibition of those receiving 1-10 placement in each category will be shown in the Mai Manó House Gallery in the fall of 2016.


Anyone may submit an entry with a photograph or video fitting the requirements of this call for entries.

Copyrights & Usage Rights:

Entrants may only submit works of art that are in their own possession; they assume full responsibility for that no third party is entitled to any rights regarding the copyright of the submitted photographs/films, restricting or prohibiting the usage or presentation in any way; furthermore, they shall agree to fully comply with all laws in force in the process of creating said submitted works of art.

The awarding organization shall project the submitted works of art at the public awarding ceremony; furthermore, it shall use them in the course of the communication related to the “Water connects” project and in connection with the satellite events of the project, without any restrictions of place, time, or known way of usage; it shall reproduce them in as many copies and on as many occasions as it deems necessary, make video or audio records of them, distribute them, copy them via a computer or to electronic media; it shall convey the works of art to the public in any known way. The awarding organization is obliged to observe the moral rights of the authors during the utilization of the artworks.

The awarding organization excludes those works of art from the competition that offend public morals or public taste, are suitable for discrimination, and those that are against the legislation in force.

