Water Integrity Network Photo Competition – Gender and Water Integrity
USD1000 voucher for first prize
- Deadline: 17 February 2019
- Entry fee: Free
- Website: http://www.waterintegritynetwork.net/2018/11/12/2019-photo-competition-open/

Through the Gender Lens: Action, Participation and the Fight Against Corruption in Water
We want photographers to capture the relationship between gender, participation, and the fight against corruption in different ways, across various cultures and locations. Participants are invited to submit up to two photographs that examine these complex elements through your own lens, and we encourage photographers to share your vision of a world working toward increased water integrity, and improved participation across genders such as:
- Non-traditional community leaders improving integrity and transparency
- Participation of all genders in management and decision-making around services
- Activists striving to hold service providers and government to account
- Overcoming obstacles to achieve equal access and fair distribution
Our jury of water and media specialists will select the winning photos from the two categories; Best Overall Photo, and Best Smartphone Photo. Winners will be announced on World Water Day 2018, 22 March 2019. All shortlisted photos will be displayed on the WIN website.
Best Overall Photo: three prizes will be awarded in this category, one for first place, and two runners up.
To participate, please submit your photo with captions and the signed Terms and Conditions form, by 23:59 CET Sunday 17 February 2019 to winphotocomp@win-s.org via WeTransfer.
- 1st Place – $1,000 voucher for photography equipment/software.
- Runners-Up – $250 voucher for photography equipment/software.
Best Smartphone Photo: one prize will be awarded in this category.
- 1st Place – $100 voucher for smartphone photography equipment/applications.
Open to all
Copyrights & Usage Rights:
By entering the competition, the shortlisted participant grants permission to the Water Integrity Network (WIN) to utilize and reproduce their photographs at any such time and for any such non-commercial means as it desires, without any limitation on space, timeframe, language, quantity of copies and quantity of usage, by way of the media, formats and channels which it has approved including but not limited to: newspapers, internet, media in general, reports, books, posters, banners, in whichever venue, conference, seminar, national or international display, or by other materials and media of any nature, provided that the photos are correctly credited to their photographer (the participant).