We Are In This Together – Unforgettable Moments In 2020

Image is Power, Youth is Future!


To commemorate the year 2020, we are hosting the third MEIHODO International Youth Visual Media Festival. This year's themed visual works exhibition titled "We Are in This Together -- Unforgettable Moments In 2020” is a collection and display of the images and video created by visual artists from all walks of life. The visual media represented this year gathers works from your average person living through the pandemic and showing that we can and will get through this together!
The exhibition will be open for submission from September 20th - December 5th, 2020 and is open for short videos and photography related to the pandemic from any artist regardless of age, region or specialty.
These works will be selected by the official judges of MEIHODO International Youth Visual Media Festival, and the winning works will be awarded prizes. The offline exhibition venue of the theme video works is set in the "MEIHODO and Food Culture Museum" in Fukuoka city, Japan, and the online exhibition is in the official H5 page of the MEIHODO International Youth Visual Media Festival of Tencent Video.


One MEIHODO Grand Prize of themed visual works exhibition, 1 million Japanese yen ($10,000)

Themed Photography :
One Gold Prize, JPY 300,000,
Two Silver Prizes, JPY 200,000 each;
Three Bronze Prizes, JPY 100,000 each;
Ten Honorable Mentions, JPY 10,000 each.

Themed films :
One Gold Prize, JPY 300,000,
Two Silver Prizes, JPY 200,000 each;
Three Bronze Prizes, JPY 100,000 each.


The exhibition will be open for submission from September 27 - December 5, 2020 and is open for short videos and graphic works related to the pandemic from any artist regardless of age, region or specialty.

Copyrights & Usage Rights:

・Works that do not violate the public moral order.
・Photography and films will be showcased on the Meihodo official website, Meihodo youtube and Meihodo collaborate media tencent video.
・Prior permission to use works (such as music, photos, paintings, novels, plays, media, etc.), or permission to appear in the works, such as characters, buildings, etc.) must be obtained prior permission before the deadline.
・Submit the original and final script of the selected works during the evaluation period. Failure to submit within this deadline will be deemed a waiver.
・The contributor shall ensure that s/he is the author of the submitted work and that s/he has an independent, complete, clear and undisputed copyright in both the whole and part of the work; contributors shall also ensure that their submitted works do not infringe upon the legitimate rights and interests of third parties, including copyright, right of portrait, right of reputation and right of privacy. Contributors shall bear all the consequences and responsibilities arising from their contributions and contributions.


Conceptual Documentary