Wiki Loves Monuments 2019
Up to €1500 in in-kind prize
- Deadline: 30 September 2019
- Entry fee: Free
- Website:

Wiki Loves Monuments is a federative contest, and therefore each contestant is able to win prizes in their respective national contest when the national contest offers them.
The national juries will nominate photos for the international contest, which has its own jury and awards.
In 2019, there are ten prizes available for the international contest, and three prizes for a special award for Africa.
Wiki Loves Monuments is running in more than 35 countries around the world from the 1st – 30th of September 2019 (unless mentioned otherwise). Every country has its own monuments, organisation, partners and awards – and the ten best photos for each country will be submitted to the international finale. By entering a national competition, you automatically compete in the international competition.
All top-15 winners of the international contest will receive a certificate. On top of these, the following prizes will be awarded to the international winners in 2019:
Up to €1500 in in-kind prize*
Up to €1200 in in-kind prize*
Up to €1000 in in-kind prize*
Up to €800 in in-kind prize*
Up to €500 in in-kind prize*
Up to €500 in in-kind prize*
Up to €400 in in-kind prize*
Up to €400 in in-kind prize*
Up to €250 in in-kind prize*
Up to €250 in in-kind prize*
* This amount can be used for an editing or photography related prize, or a donation to a Wikimedia compatible cause. The prize is selected by the winner and coordinators jointly. The winner will be able to propose the exact prize and vendor, pending approval by the prize coordinator (considering convenience, accounting and scope reasons). The value of the prize includes any customs or taxes that may need to be paid at the time of purchase to deliver the prize to the recipient. Any additional (customs) charges that are due later will be the responsibility of the recipient.
This year (2019), there are three special awards available for photos from African competitions:
Up to €500 in in-kind prize*
Up to €300 in in-kind prize*
Up to €200 in in-kind prize*
This special award will be selected by a dedicated jury for African monuments, based on the same criteria as with the general international prizes. Prizes in the special award come on top of whatever else they may win. The three special awards from African competitions have to be nominated through three different national competitions in Africa.
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