“WIN A SOLO EXHIBITION this summer during “Les rencontres Photo” Arles
Win your solo exhibition !
- Deadline: 31 May 2018
- Entry fee: 25 euros
- Website: http://collectifduherisson.fr

This is a unique OPPORTUNITY to EXHIBIT YOUR WORK in a gallery, partner of the « VOIES OFF – Parcours libre » (free program) Festival, in Arles.
**** Happy with the success of this photocontest - our jury will deliberate on June 5th - we have therefore extended the end of the "call for participation" until May 31 to discover more beautiful images! ****
The theme is free. You submit as many photos as you want up to 20 and you can submit multiple themes.
A jury composed by professionnals, all linked to photography will examine your work
and will designate the winner.
The prize is a free exhibition during one week in Arles this summer.
Many of participants at this contes twill receive a free, benevolent and constructive review by our jury too if they will drawn.
The Gallery of Le Collectif du Hérisson is located in the center of Arles.
The surface is 30 square meters and there is two walls of 6 meters each to exhibit your work.
You will be associated with the free festivities of Voies OFF, registered in their program and indicated on the map gave to the visitors. We will ensure the guarding of the gallery, and promote your exhibition via display, internet advertising, and distribution of flyers.
Our association will highlight your work, and of course accept the sale of your works. We will not take any percentage on your sales.
More details at collectifduherisson.fr
Copyrights & Usage Rights:
In compliance with the French Intellectual Property Code (articles L.111.1 and following; article L.122-1 relating to copyright law and article L.112-1 relating to trademark law and privacy legislation), each entrant agrees that submitted photos must be original pieces of work created by him- or herself.
Entries must not contain any material owned or controlled by a third party for which he or she has not obtained a license and must not infringe the copyright, trademark, moral rights, rights of privacy / publicity or intellectual property rights of any person or entity. Participants must possess all the proper authorizations as well as any necessary licenses or permissions when submitting their work.
Entrants shall be held solely responsible with regards to issues of intellectual property rights and the contents of their work, in terms of persons, places or goods featured in their artwork or any trademark appearing on their pictures and any copyright infringement resulting from or related to this. The organizers will not accept any liability, obligation or responsibility with regards to contestants’ artworks.
usage rights : he winning participant agrees to temporarily waive the copyright of his or her submitted work, exclusively in the interest and for the duration of the contest and the exhibition in Arles in the summer of 2018.
Photographs collected but not eligible for submission will not be returned to their owners but will be destroyed by the organization. Photographs remain the full property of their authors and will not be subject to any commercial use or forwarded to any third party.