Xposure International Photography Awards 2020
Prize Pool Value of $21,000 + Equipment
- Deadline: 23 September 2020
- Entry fee: Free
- Website: https://awards.xposure.ae

A FREE to enter International Photography & Film Awards with great prizes across several genres. Photographers of all ages, backgrounds, and experience are eligible to enter the Xposure International Awards. We have also included a category for film-makers. The panel of judges are looking to award an Overall Winner from the photography categories and additionally a winner and runner-up from each category including moving image & short-films. The Jury is looking for unique, exceptional and high-quality images.
Up to a maximum of 10 images may be submitted across the categories free of charge.
Landscape Photography
Architectural Photography
Aerial & Drone Photography
Travel Photography
Macro Photography
Short Film & Moving Image
Prize Pool Value of $21,000 + Equipment, Flights & Accommodation to the Awards Ceremony
Overall Winner: $3,000 Plus equipment, Flights & Accommodation to the Awards Ceremony
Category Winners $1,500 + equipment, Flights & Accommodation to the Awards Ceremony
Category 2nd $750 + equipment, Flights & Accommodation to the Awards Ceremony
Copyrights & Usage Rights:
Copyright holders retain the copyright of their work. For the awarded, nominated and shortlisted entries, copyright holders grant the organisers unlimited, non-exclusive use of high-resolution images for activities promoting Xposure in all media. Awarded images will be published in the Xposure Yearbook and the SGMB Public Archive.