3rd CAMPINA 2018 International Exhibition of Photography, Romania
We offer 116 Total Awards - Medals and Honorable Mentions!
- Deadline: 1 November 2018
- Entry fee: Free
- Website: http://campinaexhibitions.net/ciep

Campina International Exhibition of Photography is open for amateur and professional photographers from all over the world. The exhibition is conformed to the rules of Photographic Society of America (PSA), Global Photographic Union (GPU) and Image Colleague Society (ICS). This exhibition is PSA approved and acceptances received by PSA members are eligible for PSA Star Ratings, listing in the worl-wide PSA Who’s Who of Photography and credited towards the PSA Distinctions of QPSA, PPSA, EPSA, MPSA and GMPSA, GMPSA/B, GMPSA/S, GMPSA/G and GMPSA/P. Acceptances in this exhibition are also eligible for ICS, GPU and Campina Photographic Exhibitions Society (CPE) Distinctions.
Photographic Society of America, PSA 2018 - 335
Global Photographic Union, GPU L180064
Image Colleague Society International, ICS 2018 - 185
CIEP 2018 have 5 sections, all digital, FULLY PSA APPROVED:
- TRAVEL – PSA PTD (color and monochrome)
- PHOTOJOURNALISM – PSA PJD (color and monochrome)
- NATURE – PSA ND (color and monochrome)
Each entrant may submit a maximum 4 images in one section. The target acceptance rate will be between 25% and 45% in each section. The jury will accord a total of 116 Awards.
- NEW! CPE Distinctions. Acceptances from this exhibition count for the distinctions of our society - Campina Photographic Exhibitions Society. CPE Distinctions are: Artist, Excellence, Master and Grand Master! The holders of the CPE distinctions receive a printed certificate, the badge and a presentation gallery on the CPE website!
- NEW! Acceptances Certificates!
- Report Card with individual judge's scores for each participant!
- Low entry fees with discounts for groups and clubs!
- Acceptances count for PSA, GPU and ICS Distinctions!
- Maximum acceptances set by PSA rules!
- We offer very special medals handmade created by plastic artists!
- More medals and awards every year! PSA, GPU, ICS, CPE, Salon Medals and Honorable Mentions!
- You can win from the many awards available in exhibition, 114 Total Awards!
- High judging standards according to PSA rules!
Closing date: 1 November 2018
Judging: 12 – 20 November 2018
Notification (E-mail): 28 November 2018
Result, all accepted images and awards, will be posted on our website: www.campinaexhibitions.net/ciep/Results
Online Catalog: 28 December 2018
EDAS: 17 December 2018
Public Exhibition: 12 January 2019
Acceptances Certificates sent: 14 January 2019
Awards sent: 14 January 2019
ONLINE ENTRY FORM (preferred method)
Authors must fill out an Online Entry Form on the official website and submit entries online: www.campinaexhibitions.net/ciep/EntryForm
PSA Liaison Officer
- dr. Teodor Radu Pantea, EFIAP/silver, EH.ISF, PSA*(CS), PSA**(PPD), PSA**(PJ), PSA***(CPID), Hon.ICS, F.ICS, AICS, Hon.F.PAD, Hon.F.ICS, E.USPA, F.SWAN, Hon.F.SWAN, E.FMPA, Hon.IPS, Hon.FKSS, M.AAFR, Hon.AAFR, Hon.TAMA, Hon.API, UAPR, Hon.FPSBP, BPICS, GMICS.
Vice President ICS Int. Board Director
- Mircea Anghel, A.FIAP, HON.FICS
Many thanks to all participants for the trust and great support granted in previous editions! With great pleasure we invite you to participate again this year with your valuable works at 3rd CAMPINA 2018! Thank you!
All informations are available on exhibition website: www.campinaexhibitions.net/ciep
AWARDS – TOTAL 116 Medals and Honorable Mentions!
For each section:
PSA Gold Medal
Campina Exhibitions Gold Medal
Campina Exhibitions Silver Medal
Campina Exhibitions Bronze Medal
CIEP Gold Medal
CIEP Silver Medal
CIEP Bronze Medal
3 PSA Honorable Mentions
2 ICS Certificates of Honorable Mention
5 Campina Exhibitions Honorable Mentions
5 CIEP Honorable Mentions
Additional for Color Open Section will be awarded:
ICS Gold Medal
GPU Gold Medal
2 GPU Honorable Mentions
BEST AUTHOR - Special Award Plaque
BEST CLUB - Special Award Plaque
The jury reserves the right to grant additional awards depend on the total number of the entrants.
We offer very special medals handmade created by plastic artists!
More medals and awards every year! PSA, GPU, ICS, CPE, Salon Medals and Honorable Mentions!
Campina International Exhibition of Photography is open for amateur and professional photographers from all over the world.
Copyrights & Usage Rights:
By submitting an entry, the entrant certifies that he is a sole owner of the rights to use sent images, including copyright, patent and/or other applicable rights. All models must be of Legal Age of consent or have guardian permissions issued. The exhibition organizers assume no liability for any copyright misuse conducted by entrants.